Battles: More Stories from The Mee Street Chronicles
Straight Up Stories of a Black Woman's Life
Frankie Lennon
6 x 9
298 pages
Trade Paperback
ISBN 13:
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For Mature Readers
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Struggling to overcome wounds of growing up Black in the Jim Crow South, family conflicts, the strangling pressure to conform, and a descent into alcoholism, Frankie Lennon takes us to new battlefields in her new stories as she fights to break free of the prisons of racism, and homophobia to claim happiness, love, and her own life. Lennon's intimate stories allow us to feel what it's like to lose your way; then find it.
With courage.

Enjoy a sample. Click the link and the pdf will open. Battles: Introduction

Book One: The Mee Street Chronicles: Straight Up Stories of a Black Woman's Life

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