Allow Kalila Smith to take you on a personal tour of her New Orleans. Explore the food, cemeteries, swamps, bayous, Voodoo, monsters, ghosts, and the amazing cast of characters that make up the legends of the French Quarter. The French Quarter has intrigued many not only to write about it, but also spawned the desire for some to stay. Many a visitor has wandered into this magical place, only to find that they do not ever want to leave. Legend says if you drink the water in New Orleans, you must return. Some say that it is a curse put on the city by the famous Voodoo queen, Marie Laveau herself.
Enjoy a sample. Click the link and the pdf will open. Introduction to New Orleans - Chapter One
The Tales:
What Lurks in the Dark * The Flaming Tomb * Le Neant
The Devil's Bride * Milne Street Horror * Revenge of the Swamp Witch
City of the Dead * Unhinged * Over the Edge
Loved to Death * For Better or Worse * Back Upstairs
Haunted * Green Tree Frogs * Up the Mississippi
The Skeptic vs the Believer * Culture Shock * Down the Hole
The Final Corollary * The Hunt Continues * Murder and the Occult
Sinners and Saints * Vanished * Forever Unsolved
The Boogie Man * The Good, The Bad, and the Utterly Ridiculous
Moon Over Bourbon Street * Witchfest * Cult Icon
Strange Gods, Strange Alters * Ashes to Ashes * Search for the Goth Cowboy
Lights, Camera, Action * An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving * Visitor Beware
One Can Only Imagine * Final Thoughts