Moonlight Sonata
Elizabeth Donald
294 pages
Trade Paperback
For Mature Readers

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These are the dark, ethereal stories of Moonlight Sonata. Tales bound to disturb your sleep and chill your heart; a new collection from the award-winning author of Setting Suns and Nocturne Infernum, Elizabeth Donald.

All that can kill you is what you carry with you:
Imagine a haunted church, where the ground has turned sour and something walks in the shadows at night to the mournful hymns.
A silent covered bridge that no one dares to cross.
Angry spirits that cry out from beneath the ground of a cemetery that will not lie still.
An ageless man bound in love to a mortal woman, forever moving, forever haunted.
A police officer chasing a suspect into the woods - and suspects they are no longer alone.
A woman preparing to leave her husband, watched by unseen eyes in the corner of the room.
A voice that can speak only through a radio, a voice from beyond death itself.
A man haunted by an ageless face that brings tragedy to his life whenever it appears.
A girl whose imagination carries her beyond the point of no return in a future where dreams become reality - and so do nightmares.

Enjoy a sample. Click the link and the pdf will open. Chapter One